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Wildfire’s Child II

installation - nest made from burnt branches filled with 5 small chairs

Big Daddy’s Complete Rejuvenating Community Garden
Emeryville, California

Burnt branches and twigs collected from Kincaid (2019) and Point (2024) fires in Sonoma County, used children’s furniture, leaves.

4.5′ H x 8′ Diameter

installation - nest made from burnt branches filled with 5 small chairs

Detail of small chairs tumbled in nest

Detail of small chairs tumbled in nest

Built for Placemaking in the Urban Environment exhibition.

Funded by Rotten City Cultural District grant.

Detail of tumbled chairs inside next

Detail of burnt branches

Acknowledgments: Audubon Canyon Ranch’s Modini Preserve in Healdsburg, CA and Merlo Ranch in Geyeserville, CA for access to their burnt properties; Kevin Kraynak, Tim McKeough for assistance gathering materials, and Connie Tell for construction help.