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Outdoor Installation

installation - nest made from burnt branches filled with 5 small chairs
Wildfire’s Child II
Big Daddy’s Complete Rejuvenation Garden
Emeryville, CA 2024
Red wicker bed suspended in an oak grove, a trail of other beds in the distance.
Red River Beds
Paradise Ridge Winery Sculpturegrove
Santa Rosa, CA 1997
Red twin bed suspended in a tall cypress tree
Red River Beds
University of San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 2000
Wheel with 8 red sails floating in a wood octagonal pool on a patio in front of a brick wall.
Carry Me Away from Here so I Can: SF
600 Townsend Building
San Francisco, CA 1995
Wheel with 8 red sails floating in an octagonal pool made of plywood set in a large field.
Carry Me Away From Here so I Can: TX
Connemara Conservancy
Plano, TX 1996
Wood bridge with octagonal center containing a frame strung with piano wire.
Timbre Bridge
Richmond Art Center
Richmond, CA 1996
Installation view from museum garden overlooking Lake Merritt
Buried Days, Starved Dreams: Auschwitz Memory
The Oakland Museum
Oakland, California, 1994-1995